15 October, 2021
Timber Towns welcomes transparency around native timber ban
Timber Towns Victoria welcomes a motion calling on the Victorian Government to table all documents relating to the closure of the native timber industry.
“Timber Towns welcomes this motion,” said TTV President and Glenelg Shire Deputy Mayor Cr Karen Stephens.
“We look forward to having full clarity around the government’s decision to shut down the native timber industry,” Cr Stephens said.
“Full, open and transparent information is needed that provides assurances to communities, workers and all sectors of the industry that decisions have been made based on evidence, and in the best interest of all Victorians. This decision has far reaching consequences that need to be fully understood and debated.”
“To date, we have not seen any economic or environmental data to support the ban or the full impact on the local, regional and Victorian economies.”
“The native timber industry underpins the viability of a number of regional communities and contributes more than $1billion each year to Victoria’s economy. Thousands of jobs are at risk.”
Timber plays an important role in climate change abatement. Cr Stephens said Timber Towns wants all Victorians to understand the importance of the native timber industry in the fight against climate change, and has referenced the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report as evidence of the role timber can play in confronting this challenge.
“Native timber production in public forests facilitates carbon storage and must be taken seriously if Victoria is to tackle climate change. It very much forms an integral part of the fight against climate change and cannot be disregarded,” Cr Stephens said.
The motion, put forth by MP Jeff Bourman from the Shooters and Fishers Party, was passed by Parliament on 13 October.
Timber Towns Victoria has previously called on the State Government to reconsider its plan to shut down the State’s native timber industry by 2030.
About Timber Towns Victoria
Timber Towns Victoria is the peak local government body for Victoria on forestry policy. It represents 10 Victorian Local Government areas with forestry industries on public or private land. In representing these local councils and the communities that work within the forestry and timber industries, TTV is committed to maintaining sustainable practices to ensure the industry continues into the future.
Quick links
- Native timber industry key to tackling climate change, 11 August 2021
- Native timber industry is sustainable, says Timber Towns ahead of government review of Timber Code of Practice, 9 July 2021
- Read the Rural Councils Victoria report, Economic Impact Assessment of the creation & retention of rural jobs
For more information, contact Timber Towns Victoria President, Glenelg Shire Deputy Mayor Cr Karen Stephens, 0488 900 645 or email.