Timber Towns Welcomes Funding Boost


20th April 2022

Timber Towns Welcomes Funding Boost

Timber Towns Victoria (TTV) welcomes the recent announcement of $1.3 million to help explore and enhance hybrid Engineered Wood Products, bolstering the Australian timber industry.

The Federal Government announced the trade and market access grant yesterday in Portland with key stakeholders, including key TTV representatives. The commitment will see $1.3 million add more value to lower quality forestry resources onshore in the Green Triangle, and the broader Australian forest and wood products industry.

Timber Towns Victoria President Karen Stephens said the funding was recognition of the importance of the timber sector to the Australian economy.

“TTV welcomes the announcement for innovation as a positive step to build capacity in the Green Triangle forestry sector and finding opportunities to utilise low grade timber products,” she said.

“In 2019/20, the industry was estimated to directly support just almost 4,500 jobs or 2.3% of all jobs in the combined TTV areas, and generated $1.4 billion in sales, which is a critical link to both local and national economies.

“This funding is recognition of the sector and will not only secure these vital timber jobs, but also help to create further employment opportunities for our TTV communities. It is a win for all stakeholders – from timber growers to wood processors and exporters – and will instil further confidence for the industry.”

Timber Towns Victoria (TTV) is an incorporated Local Government Association, representing the interests of councils in relation to forestry on both public and private land.

The Association’s primary function is to provide a forum for local government to address the management of forests and forest industries and their impact on local communities.

Karen Stephens

TTV President 0488 900 6545

About Timber Towns Victoria

Timber Towns Victoria is the peak local government body for Victoria on forestry policy. It represents 10 Victorian Local Government areas with forestry industries on public or private land. In representing these local councils and the communities that work within the forestry and timber industries, TTV is committed to maintaining sustainable practices to ensure the industry continues into the future.

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For more information, contact Timber Towns Victoria President, Glenelg Shire Deputy Mayor Cr Karen Stephens, 0488 900 645 or email secretary@timbertownsvictoria.com.au

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