Timber Towns Victoria calls for certainty for the future of forestry in Victoria
Media Release
1 September 2023
Timber Towns Victoria calls for certainty for the future of forestry in Victoria.
Timber Towns Victoria (TTV) and its member councils have today released a Position Paper on the cessation of native forest harvesting in Victoria.
The TTV members who consist of councils right across Victoria where forest industries are recognised as significant contributors to the economy and community; have closely considered the implications of the cessation of harvesting of native forests in Victoria from the end of 2023. The paper considers challenges and unintended consequences as a result of the decision, whilst also considering solutions for the future, focusing on immediate needs, transitional needs, and long-term support for the industry and the communities affected.
The paper’s summary states ‘Our position is that continued native forest harvesting is regenerative, viable and the lifeblood of many of our communities. We regret the closure decision.’
The report goes on to say ‘The cessation of native forest harvesting is expected to have a ripple effect throughout local economies. This impact will stretch far beyond the timber industry… despite these anticipated challenges, there are potential opportunities for reinvention. There is expected to be increased engagement with landowners to pursue diversified farm forestry operations and enhanced collaboration with First Nations Australians, including Traditional Owners and Custodians. This could prove pivotal in reimagining the future of Victoria’s timber towns and communities.’
TTV President, Cr Karen Stephens calls on the Victorian State Government to provide certainty to the forestry sector for the future of the industry.
“We know that 21,000 direct jobs and a further 50,000 across the supply chain will be effect without some guarantee and certainty that their future is secure.
“The forestry sector purchases $634mil of gross value in logs per annum and provides $7.6billion in direct sales which is 33% of the national primary and secondary manufacturing.
“This industry is not to be sneezed at …the forestry sector is a huge contributed to the skilled work force and to the economy and needs certainty moving forward.
“The rural council sector knows that one job loss in Melbourne is equivalent to 5 job losses in rural communities.
The importance of the Victorian State Government reviewing its Forest Plan is not lost on the sector and the communities that are affected, so when will the government deliver a new Forest Plan for Victoria?” Cr Stephens said.
The Timber Towns Victoria Position Paper on The Cessation Of Native Forest Harvesting In Victoria can be found on the home page on Timber Towns Victoria’s website: www.timbertownsvictoria.com.au
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Media contact:
Cr Karen Stephens
Timber Towns Victoria President
0488 900 6545
About Timber Towns Victoria
Timber Towns Victoria is the peak local government body for Victoria on forestry policy. It represents 12 Victorian Local Government areas with forestry industries on public or private land. In representing these local councils and the communities that work within the forestry and timber industries, TTV is committed to maintaining sustainable practices to ensure the industry continues into the future.
Quick links
- Position Paper – The Cessation Of Native Forest Harvesting In Victoria 1 September 2023
- Timber Industry Road Evaluation Study 2023-2027: Executive Summary 1 September 2023
- End of Native Forestry – Victorian Government Fails To See The Forest For The Trees 26 May 2023
- Plantation Promises – Where are they? 7 March 2023
- Job Losses Rippling through Victorian Communities 24 February 2023
- Timber Towns Welcomes Funding Boost 20 April 2022
- Timber Towns Victoria disappointed that Traditional Owners are being targeted 14 April 2022
- “We are being treated like fools” 6 April 2022
- Myths and falsehoods plague local mixed species timber industry, 21 December 2021
- New Report shows timber contributes $1.4B to Victoria’s economy, 17 December 2021
- Specialised analysis for the Timber Towns Victoria council areas, 2021
- Reversal on ‘water rule’ allows Victoria to plant 100 million more trees to store carbon, 29 October 2021
- Timber Towns welcomes transparency around native timber ban, 15 October 2021
- Native timber industry key to tackling climate change, 11 August 2021
- Native timber industry is sustainable, says Timber Towns ahead of government review of Timber Code of Practice, 9 July 2021
- Timber Towns warns massive job losses if native timber industry closes, 17 May 2021
- Read the Rural Councils Victoria report, Economic Impact Assessment of the creation & retention of rural jobs
For more information, contact Timber Towns Victoria President, Glenelg Shire Councillor Cr Karen Stephens, 0488 900 645 or email secretary@timbertownsvictoria.com.au